Saturday, November 5, 2011

main tag-tag~~

hello there,,,
entry kali ni wat khas untuk mimi @ cik mimot
okes guys let me copy and paste da rules 1st ah,,,

The Rules
1.You must post this rule
2.Each person must post 11 themselves in their journal

3.Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post and create eleven new questions for the people you tagged to answer
4.You have to choose eleven people to tagged and link them to the post
5.Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6.No tag Back!
7.No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAG IF YOU READING THIS" YOU LEGIMATELLY (a.k.a REALLY,TRUST,WITH ALL HONEST)have tagged 11 peoples.

haaa malas kan gua,main copy paste je,,,ok now kita tengok plak soklan2 yang cik mimot kita nak kita jawab,,,pon copy paste jugak,,,

1) brg korg paling berharge?barang ok!
laptop la kot wat masa sekarang, souvenir orang bagi
2) feberet fast food?
hmmm mc donald
3) 5 words about cik mimot...
kelakar,spontan,iklan gigi,ceria,loud
4) what u do u like most psl mimot?
5) kalo kuo umah, brg ape korg xleh tggal,mesti nk bwk gak...5 items only!
telefon tangan,purse,kunci,headset,hmmm tu je kot
6) prefer bertunang dlu @ nikah trus?
oppsss hmmm xtau la,
7) status skrg?single,engaged@married?
single xmingle
8) bile on9,suke search ape?
9) theme color utk ur wedding?
wuuhuu,,,purple kot,,,xpon maroon,eh grey pon ok,,,ahakss
10) model hp skrg?
11) suke bace blog mimot x?hee

ok mimi i'm done~~